It’s Writing Time, Dammit

It’s Writing Time, Dammit

It’s Writing Time, Dammit Here we go again…   There’s a danger in knowing too little. There’s also a danger of knowing too much. And then, there’s just the straight-up danger of going into a situation so confused you’re not sure which way is forward...
Turning a Cold Engine (Until It Starts)

Turning a Cold Engine (Until It Starts)

Turning a Cold Engine (Until It Starts) Ugh. It’s been a minute, hasn’t it?   There are a lot of different reasons — also known as excuses — as to why I haven’t written for a while. Family emergencies, day-job stresses, COVID fogs, the world appearing...
Stuck in the COVID Doldrums?

Stuck in the COVID Doldrums?

Stuck in the COVID Doldrums? It Might Be Time to Re-ignite Your Creative Pilot Light   Over the course of a couple of weeks, I met up with some friends — separately and properly social distanced — to catch up and see how the pandemic world was treating them. All...
Is It Time to Launch Your Podcast?

Is It Time to Launch Your Podcast?

Six Tips for Starting Your Show Out Strong and Standing Out from the Pack One of the most attractive aspects of podcasting is that, no matter how niche your interests are, there will be a show that scratches that itch. If that show doesn’t exist, there’s no one...